Практическое занятие №11. ТЕМА 3. Postgraduate Programs and Degrees

Postgraduate  Programs and Degrees

Task 1 Read the text about postgraduate programs of research and further studies.

Write the persuading essay expressing the opinion of your own. What kinds of programs do you prefer and why? Give reasons, motivate your

Choice in written form.

Postgraduate Programs and Degrees

Postgraduate programs widen one’s skill base, and the knowledge in the chosen field.

They also improve the career prospects. The list comprises masters or PhD degrees, and doctorate courses:

Litterarum Doctor Doctor of Literature/Letters DLitt доктор филологических наук

Doctor of Physical Sciences DPhySc доктор физических наук

Doctor of Engineering – EdD доктор технических наук

Doctor of Natural доктор естествознания

Master of Laws LLM магистр права

Master of Arts MA магистр: специалист по коммерческой терминологии,

политических, экономических, гуманитарных наук

Master of Business MBA магистр бизнеса

Master of Jurisprudence MJur магистр юриспруденции

Master of Philosophy MPhil магистр философии

Master of Science MSc магистр наук

PhD кандидат наук

Doctor of Social Science/Sciences SocScD доктор социальных наук/РАН Here are the examples of degrees, combined research and taught programs, continuing professional development programs, taught programs, distant learning programs, MBA:

degrees: Applied Mathematics (PhD/MPhil), Business (research degrees), Cardiovascular Medicine (PhD/MPhil), Computer Science (PhD/MPhil), English Language and Applied Linguistics (PhD/MLitt/MPhil), Health Services Management (PhD/MPhil);

combined research and taught programs: Learning and Learning Contexts (doctorate), Modern European History Mphil(B), Philosophy Mphil(B), Science and Engineering of Materials (MRES); taught programs: Aid Management MSc/Graduate Diploma; Biosciences, short courses; Communications Networks with Industrial Studies MSc, Criminal Law, LLM;

continuing professional development programs: Geotechnical Engineering MSc/Diploma/Certificate, Interactive Digital Media MSc, MBA, Global, Satellite and Mobile Communications with Industrial Studies MSC, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)/MA/Diploma/Certificate;

distance Learning Programs: Bilingualism in Education Med/Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate, Landscape Archaeology, GIA and Virtual Environments MA/Diploma, Public Administration and Development, MSc, Translation Studies, MA;

MBA: European MBA, Global MBA, Global Banking and Finance MBA, Strategy and Procurement MBA.


Task 2. Read the dialogue and act it out. Convert it in monologue.

Magistrate Course Mastering

Hello, Sam, how are you?

I am quite well, thank you.

I have heard you have entered the Masters after having got the bachelor’s degree.

Yes, I have entered the Masters in Computer Science.

What kind of program have you chosen?

It’s the combined taught and research program, because next I am going to attend

graduate school and become PhD.

What will it give to you?

In my opinion, the programs for research and further studies widen one’s basic

skills, the knowledge in the chosen field and improve the career prospects as well.

And what’s your choice?

I think over taking the course of postgraduate studies in Applied Mathematics next

year too.

It’s a very good idea.