Практическое занятие №17. ТЕМА 9: TEST-PAPER


1.                Which approach is it?

a) Our behaviour is determined by various stable personality characteristics, mostly inherited.

1) psychoanalitic

b) Our behaviour is shaped by the way we process information.

2) trait

c) Much of what we do is under the control of unconscious forces.

3) cognitive

d) Our consistent behaviour patterns are the result of habits learned due to certain environments.

4) humanistic

e) Much of what we do results from our personal responsibility.

5) behavioral


2.                Match the following definitions with the words given below.


a) Conscious; b) Pleasure principle; c) Reality principle; d) Id; e) Ego; f) Superego.

1) The part of personality that considers external reality while mediating between the demands of the id and the superego.

2) The principle on which the id operates, in which pleasure is the sole reason of behaviour.

3) The part of personality that represents society’s values.

4) The principle on which the ego operates.

5) The part of personality that contains the material of which we are currently aware.

6) The part of personality concerned with immediate gratification of needs.


3.                Below there are some definitions of the term «Personality» suggested by leading psychologists. Which of them is the closest to your understanding of the term? What are its drawbacks and advantages?


Allport: «the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine its characteristic behaviour and thought».

Cattel: «that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation».

Murray: «the continuity of functional forms and forces manifested through sequences of organised regnant processes and overt behavior from birth to death».

Freud: « the integration of the id, the ego and the superego».

Adler: «the individual’s style of life, or characteristic manner of responding to life’s problems, including life’s goals».

Jung: «the Integration of the ego, the personal and collective unconscious, the complexes, the archetypes».

4.                Select the best answer to each of the questions below.

1) The following conversation is taking place inside someone’s head:

X: «I am so mad at that guy that I could hit him!» Y: «You know you are not supposed to hurt other people.» Z; «Why not tell him that his behaviour is inappropriate so he won’t repeat it? In this conversation, X is the____; Y is the____; and Z is the____.

a) id; ego; superego; c) superego; id; ego;

b) ego; id; superego; d) id; superego; ego.

2) An assumption of the ____ approach to personality is that unconscious mental processes play a major role in determining behaviour.

a) trait; c) psychoanalytic;

b) behavioral; d) humanistic.

3) Helen, a married woman, is strongly attracted to her physician. He____decides that the only way Helen can see the doctor more often is to schedule more frequent physical exams.

a) id; c) superego;

b) ego; d) eros.

4) At home, Rebecca’s daughter is very polite, so Rebecca is horrified to discover that her daughter is rude at school. She suggests that the teacher begin rewarding her daughter for being polite. Rebecca is taking which approach to personality?

a) psychoanalytic; c) humanistic;

b) behavioral; d) trait.

5) Learning processes are most central to which personality theory?

a) psychoanalytic; c) cognitive;

b) trait; d) behavioral.

6) Discuss in pairs or in small groups the following topics:

a) Personality definitions;

b) Sources of aggression;

c) Sources of depression;

d) Approaches to understanding personality;

e) Personality by S. Freud.