Task 1 Learn the words by heart. Translate the sentences in written form.

abstract of thesis (article) автореферат диссертации (статьи)

Every postgraduate has to write abstract of thesis before the thesis. The abstract of thesis is

published or presented online.

adviser, n 1 куратор 2 научный руководитель

The adviser has to manage the process of the research and defense. Highly-qualified adviser

is very important for each postgraduate student and candidate for Master’s degree.

adviser-consultant, n 1 эксперт 2 советник-консультант

Each adviser is at the same time adviser-consultant. Mr. Smith is my adviser-consultant. In

my opinion, he is the best consultant in University.

assistant professor, n доцент (учёное звание ниже, чем associate professor)

The assistant professor position means the scientific work activity and prosecution of

research. Assistant professors carry out the scientific work of their own.

associate professor, n 1 доцент университета 2 адъюнкт-профессор

The associate professor position is higher than that of the assistant professor. Associate professors carry out the scientific work of their own and guide postgraduate studies and their scientific research.

candidate for Masters degree кандидат на соискание учёной степени магистра

Candidates for Master’s degree take the course of studies after four years of university

studies and graduation. In two years they will get the Master’s degree.

complete, v завершать

completion, n завершение

My friend has completed the studies for master’s degree and would like to take

postgraduate course. He would like to become the postgraduate in Applied Mathematics.

continuing professional development – CPD продолжение профессионального


After graduation one of the ways of the career’s promotion is to take the CPD course.

Continuing professional development courses gives new job competences.

Doctor of Science = ScD = DSc доктор технических наук

To become Doctor of Science one has to take the course of doctorate. After defense of

doctorate thesis my brother will become the Doctor of Science.

Task 2 Read about the reasons for choosing the magistracy course.  What are your personal reasons? Motivate your choice in written form.

Why Do We Choose Magistracy Studies?

What does choosing the magistracy course mean for a person? It is going up the level higher than the first degree. What are the reasons for taking magistracy studies? The first one is the stimulus of the intellectual challenge: working with concepts, approaches, methods and ideas, developing skills of analysis and research among the researchers and academics.

The second reason is the personal challenge. What is the difference between the undergraduate and the postgraduate level? Undergraduate level develops study skills and the ability of independent studies, and the magistracy course specifies skills perfection, responsibility, independence in one’s own learning, ability to work with complex ideas and concepts and developing them.

Next, there is the serious problem of career prospects, more interesting and highly paid jobs. Candidate for Master’s degree can be an obligatory requirement for entering the career, the researcher career or securing promotion to higher levels. In some professional fields the joint programs of universities and employers are undertaken both at undergraduate and magistrate level and these programs are defined as the first stage of learning for the trainees.

For a number of Masters entering academic career as the university teacher and researcher is important.

Task 3.  Make it a monologue. (in written form)

Motivation to Enter the Magistrate Studies

Jane, I have not recently seen much of you.

In fact, I was very busy with entrance exams for magistrate studies.

How clever of you!

You see, mostly it’s my choice of intellectual challenge: working with concepts,

approaches, methods and ideas, developing skills of analysis and research among

the researchers and academics. Besides, it’s the personal challenge as well. I would

like to master my personal skills. They improve the development of my future


I myself would also like to take undergraduate course in Computer Science to be

able to carry out research projects at the high-tech level.

Good luck.