Unit 21 TEST: Check yourself


                                                       Check yourself

Test 1

Multiple Choice

Find the only answer to the statements according to the text “Abstract”.

Abstract is an

– extended interpretation of the original text

– extremely brief interpretation of the original text by means of compression

Test 2

Multiple Choice

Choose the right answer about abstract writing.

Before writing the text specify

– all the text details

– the main ideas of writing

Test 3

Multiple Choice

Which variant is right?

While writing the abstract

– use the clichés, revise, edit and publish the extract

– use the style of free writing


Test 4

Multiple Choice

Which sentences are the true or the false ones? Use the text “Paragraph and Text


– While writing the research report it is important to define topic, supporting and

concluding sentences.

– The topic sentence explains, develops, proves or provides details, events, facts,

examples, or reasons.

– The supporting sentences explain, develop, or prove the topic sentence, provide

details, events, facts, examples, or reasons.

– The concluding sentence, or clincher, provides a strong ending, restates,

summarizes, evaluates, or adds an insight to the main idea.

Variants of answers:

1 True 2 False 3 True 4 True

1 True 2 True 3 False 4 True


Test 5

Multiple Choice

Find the only topic sentence in paragraph 1 of the text “A Curious Clown”.

– The animal was obviously bent on a shopping expedition, and the crew obliged by

throwing it a cartoon of black molasses which the bear soon spread all over itself

and the ice.

– When nothing turned up, it decided to climb aboard, much to the alarm of the crew,

who decided to open up the hoses on it.

– The polar bear has an insatiable curiosity, and sometimes he can be quite a clown.

Test 6


Multiple Choice

Find the single topic sentence in paragraph 1 of the text “Fuji”.


– Japan is a collection of large islands, strung along the eastern shore of the mainland

of Asia. The islands are very rugged and very mountainous.

– High over all the peaks rises the one supreme peak the perfect cone of snow-clad


– Like most of the high mountains of Japan, Fuji is a volcano, sleeping, but far from


– Compared to the Alps and the Himalayas, Fuji is not especially high.

– It seems high because it rises in one superb sweeping curve right from the shore to

the sky, a curve that can be seen for a hundred miles on every side.


Test 7

Multiple Choice

Find the only implied idea in paragraph 1 of the text “Survival of Seal Pups”.

– When the newborn seal pup slips from the warmth of his mother’s body onto the

ice, crystals form on his wet little body and his skin temperature falls to 70°F.

– Seal pups have natural mechanics to help them survive frigid temperatures.

– Seal mothers’ milk is richer than heavy cream; it is half butterfat.


Test 8

Multiple Response

Define all common strategies of writing a research report.

1 Think about your purpose and audience. What do you want your reader or listener to

know? For whom are you writing or preparing a speech?

2 Choose a topic that interests you. Write questions about your topic that you would

like to answer in your report.

3 Add necessary details.

4 Do research. Use the net electronic materials, reference books, nonfiction books,

fiction books, and newspapers. Use the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature to

find magazine articles. Write information about each source on a bibliography card.

5 Write your questions on separate note cards, and then take notes writing facts and

ideas that answer the questions. If you copy some facts word-for-word, use

quotation marks.

6 Write an outline from your notes. Turn your questions into main topics. Arrange the

main topics in a logical order. Turn your facts into subtopics and details.

7 Expand each section of your outline into paragraphs. Be sure each paragraph has a

topic sentence that states one main idea. The other sentences in the paragraph

should add details.

8 Write the body of each paragraph.

9 Write an introduction and a title that identifies the main topic of the report and

captures your reader’s interest.

10 Write a conclusion that sums up the main ideas and brings your report to a smooth

end. Finally, alphabetize your sources and write a bibliography page.



Test 9

Multiple Choice

Which strategies of writing a description are the true or the false ones?

– Suggest the partial impression in the topic sentence.

– Write supporting sentences that include common details.

– Organize the supporting details in spatial order, adding transitions to guide the

reader through the description.

– Write the concluding sentence that reinforces the overall impression conveyed in the


Choose the right variant.


1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True

1 False 2 False 3 True 4 True


Test 10

Multiple Choice

Read the dialogue” Writing a Description” and state the right answer describing the

purpose of the concluding sentence in the description.

– The concluding sentence reinforces the partial details of the paragraph.

– The concluding sentence reinforces the overall impression conveyed in the


Test 11              Multiple Response

Choose all the right sentences. Use the text “Types of Supporting Sentences” for the


1 The supporting sentences in a paragraph have the job of summarizing the specific

details, explaining, illustrating, describing, or arguing for the main idea.

2 The supporting sentences in a paragraph have the job of developing the main idea

with specific details, explaining, illustrating, describing, or arguing for the main


3 There can be the following types of supporting details: facts, examples, reasons,

events, descriptive details, comparisons and contrasts.


Test 12

Multiple Choice

State if the sentences of the text “Methods of Developing Exposition in Expository Text:

Writing Strategies” are true or false.

– An expository text declares one’s point of view.

– In an expository paragraph you can explain a subject only in the same way.

– Often the main idea expressed in your topic sentence will suggest the most suitable

way to explain the subject.

– Methods of developing exposition are: facts and examples, steps in a process, set of

directions, incident, definition, comparison and contrast, analogy, analysis of parts,

cause and effect, grouping into types.

– All the methods are used according to the classification of the writing process.


Test 13

Multiple Response

Which sentences identify the steps in a process?

Methods of Developing Exposition in Expository Text: Steps in a Process

Police Officer with the K-9 Unit

1 Dogs and the officers who handle them are carefully trained from the start.

2 Dogs are obtained from the public, preferably between the ages of 6 months and 16


3 They are, in the first instance, kept at the Dog Training Establishment for a period

verifying from one week to three weeks in order to access their health, physique and

working abilities.

4 On completion of this period, if found satisfactory, they are given to a handler, who

takes a five days’ course of instruction.

5 The dog is then taken to the home of the handler to begin a period of familiarization,

which is very important, as it is essential to build trust and understanding between

dog and handler before serious training is undertaken.


Test 14

Multiple Response


Find the sentences, identifying the analysis of parts or qualities.

Methods of Developing Exposition in Expository Text: Analysis of Parts or Qualities

Qualities of a Good Broadcaster

1 To help broadcasters decide which candidates to hire for a position in radio or

television, the National Association of Broadcasters drew up a list of qualities to

look for in job applicants.

2 The most successful broadcasters have most, if not at all, of these qualities.

3 One important trait is enthusiasm.

4 Another is a sense of public relations, since broadcasters must anticipate the needs

and interests of viewers and listeners.

5 Creativity is also a desired trait; developing entertaining programming amidst fierce

competition requires a lively imagination.

6 A balanced temperament and reliability are two other important qualities that go

hand in hand. The pressures in the field of broadcasting can be very strong, and a

person who can get the job done and work very well with others is very valuable.

7 While cooperation is important, so is initiative, since employees in responsible

positions are expected to monitor their own work schedules and progress.

8 Finally, a good broadcaster has a good business sense. Without the ability to

manage budgets and handle other financial matters, a broadcaster is not likely to rise

very high in the professional ranks.


Test 15

Multiple Response

Choose the sentences, identifying the Artificial Intelligence Definition.

Methods of Developing Exposition in Expository Text: Definition

Artificial Intelligence

1 Artificial Intelligence is the study of ideas that enable computers to be intelligent.

2 Note that wanting to make computers to be intelligent is not the same as wanting to

make computers simulate intelligence.

3 Artificial Intelligence seeks to uncover principles that all intelligent information

processors use, not just those made of wet neural tissue (human brains) instead of

dry electronics (computers).

4 Consequently there is neither an obsession within mimicking human intelligence nor

a prejudice against using methods that seem involved in human intelligence.

5 Instead, there is a new point of view that brings along a new methodology and leads

to new theories.