ТЕМА 3. The Survey form: evaluation of teaching and courses


Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the Text below, translate the given sentences in written form.

1. employ  — нанимать (на работу); использовать

employer  — наниматель, работодатель

employee  — служащийработающий по найму

More than 2,000 people are employed in the industry. The company employs mail to reach potential customers. What do employers examine before accepting or rejecting a job application? The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.

2. prospective  — будущийожидаемыйпредполагаемый

The careers fair gives students a chance to meet prospective employers.


3. advertise — рекламировать, помещать объявление

advertisement — реклама, объявление

Many companies advertise jobs on the Internet through their own websites, or recruitment websites. Most job advertisements ask you to submit an application by email or post. Big companies often pay celebrities to appear in their adverts.

4. post  — должность, место

candidate for a post  — кандидат (претендент) на должность

She applied for the vacant manager’s post. She took up an important position with this firm. He is the best candidate for this


5. pinpoint  — точно определять, указывать; выделять, подчеркивать что-л.

They were finally able to pinpoint the cause of the fire. He pinpointed the city on the map.

6.require  — требовать (чего-л.), нуждаться (в чем-л.)

requirenent  — требование, необходимое условие; нужда, потребность

meet the requirements — удовлетворять потребностям

Your qualifications match the job requirements. meet the educational requirements for a position of a teacher.


7.current — текущийнынешнийсовременный

I had to leave my current job.

8. correspond (towith) — соответствовать, равняться, быть аналогичным

His qualifications and experience correspond to the requirements of the post. Your skills correspond with the employer’s needs.

9.relevant  — уместный, относящийся к делу; актуальный

I have relevant experience in the field in which I want to work.


10.challenge  — вызов (на состязание, на соревнование и т.п.); испытание, напряжение сил; сложная задача, проблема; бросать вызов; требовать (усилий)

challenging  — стимулирующий, побуждающий; требующий напряжения, отдачи сил

challenging idea — интересная (перспективнаяидея

In my current job there are no more challenges to face or potential to show my talent. You have the ability to effectively meet challenges, and the skills necessary to handle a challenging job.


11. available — наличныйимеющийся в распоряжении


Plenty of part-time jobs are available for college students. Many companies choose to produce abroad because of the low labour costs and the availability of skilled labour.


12.appoint — назначать

appointment  — встреча, свидание

keep ап appointment — встречаться (как было назначено)

They appointed him as chairman. I have an appointment with the director for three p.m. Please make an appointment with my secretary. I won’t be able to keep the appointment, I’m afraid.

13. manage  — руководить, управлять, стоять во главе; справляться, обходиться

manage a situation — справляться с ситуацией

Не manages a small advertising company. We managed to find somewhere to sit. How would you manage a situation where you were in danger of missing a deadline?

Read and translate the following sentences in written form. Pay attention to the meaning of the words and word combinations given below.

I. a) brief  — краткое изложение, резюме; указания

b) brief — кратко излагать; инструктировать

c) brief — короткий, недолгий; лаконичный краткий

d) in brief — вкратце, в немногих словах

e) to be brief — короче говоря

f) briefly  — краткосжато

1. То be brief, I will only focus on two aspects in my report. 2. When you need to be brief and to the point, you should prepare your thoughts ahead of time. 3. She managed to brief what he had spoken about at the meeting. 4. You should write the necessary points in brief to avoid a lengthy letter. 5. My brief was to improve the image of the company. 6. The introduction of a covering letter briefly states the specific position desired, and should be designed to catch the employer’s immediate interest. 7. We had already been briefed on what the job would entail. 8. They submitted a one-page brief of the report to be published. 9. I had a brief look at her report before the meeting.

II. a) strength  — сила; прочность; сильная сторона, достоинство; состав, штат

b) in (at) full strength — в полном составе

c) under/below strength — неполной численности

d) on the strength — в штате, в составе

e) on the strength of smth. — в силу чего-л., на основании чего-л., исходя из чего-л.

On the strength of this year's sales figures, we’ve decided to expand the business. 2. Our team is now at full strength. 3. He does weight-training to build up his physical strength. 4. The office staff is 20 people below strength. 5. This figure illustrates the wide range of strength offered by steel. 6. “Are you on the strength here? — “No, I’m just helping here for a week.” 7. “Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses” is probably the most frequently asked interview question, and it is smart to be well- prepared with a good answer.8. The strength of the workforce has doubled over the past two years.

IIIaprospect  — вид, панорама

bprospects  — перспектива; виды, планы на будущее

cin prospect — в перспективе, в дальнейшем

d) prospective  — будущийпредполагаемый

1.She has a lot of hard work to do in prospect. 2. She hopes the course will improve her career prospects. 3. The careers fair gives students a chance to meet prospective employers. 4. From my house there was a marvellous prospect of the river and the countryside beyond.


Read the text and present the report to the teacher in written form.

Answer the following questions in written form.

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

2. What kind of training or experience do you have in this field?

3. Do you have a job now?

4. What are your responsibilities?

5. Do you want to change your job?

6.What do you think are your greatest strengths?

9. What do you consider to be your greatest weaknesses?

10. Why do you want for this company?

11. Why are you interested in this job?

12. Do you want to work full-time or part-time?

13. What salary do you want?

14. When are you available to start?

15. Do you have any questions for me?




Every term the Office of Academic Affairs administers teaching and course evaluations. The aim of the evaluation process is to get regular feedback from students regarding the quality of teaching and the courses offered at the University and to use this feedback in improving the education provided. The survey is administered each term to all students. The survey form consists of two parts. In Part A you will be asked to reply to a set of questions dealing with the conduct of the lectures. Part В offers you the opportunity to present your own suggestions and comments related to the course/teacher

in question. The survey is anonymous and the form must be completed on the Study Information System web page. Your answers will be recorded without reference to your identity. This excludes the possibility of linking the evaluation provided back to you. Filling in Part A of the form is obligatory, except for international exchange students. Where the same course was taught by two or more teachers, the form must be submitted regarding one teacher of your choice. You can, however, also submit evaluations regarding the other staff members conducting the course. Full-time students are normally expected to complete their survey forms within a three-week period. The evaluation dates will be different where classwork in a course has been completed prior to the evaluation period. You will not be able to register for next term if you have not submitted survey forms for every course you attended in the current term. If you have been unable to submit the form during the evaluation period, you can do it at a later date.

Task 3

 How is a CV different in Russia?

Write your own CV in English using qualifications you already have, or ones that you think you might get in the future.


Find some advertisements for jobs or study abroad programmes. Look in newspapers or on the Internet. Choose one and write a CV based on the information provided.