Тема 1. Studying abroad

Тема 1. Studying abroad

Task 1.

Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the Text “Applying to Study Abroad” and translate the given sentences.

1. course — курс (обучения, лекций и т.п.)

complete a course — окончить курс обучения

do (take) a course — изучать курс

They are going away on a training course next week. It takes a year to complete this course, and there is assessment included within the course. She is doing (taking) a chemistry course this term.

2. issue a diploma  — выдавать диплом

An old issue of “Civil Engineering” lay on the table. Each employee will be issued an identification card. The Post Office will issue a new first-class stamp. The University will also issue diplomas to graduates who are not able to participate in the graduation ceremony.

3. experience — опыт (жизненный); квалификация, мастерство

work experience — опыт работы

She has the experience for this job. Many firms understand that giving work experience to students will benefit everyone.

4. opportunity  — возможностьслучай take the opportunity (of) — воспользоваться случаем present an opportunity  — предоставлять возможность

Studying abroad provides a great opportunity to learn a foreign language. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped me with this book. The Career Centre presents an opportunity for postgraduates to assist them in preparing work applications.

5.degree  — звание, (академическая/ученая) степень, квалификация

bachelor’s degree  — степень бакалавра master’s degree — степень магистра PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) — степень доктора

earn a degree — получить степень (квалификацию)

She has a degree in English. A bachelor’s degree takes three or four years to complete. A master’s degree is an important step in any career field. The focus of the PhD programme is to enable students to achieve the competence required to research and write an original doctoral thesis. Students earn the degree after a four- year course of study.

6.enrol(l) — зачислять enroll(l)ment — зачисление, прием

enrolled for/in/on the modern art course. The college enrolls 2000 students. Enrollment has to be done by you in person at the Registry Office. Some increases in enrollment occurred in this University.

7. background  — образование, квалификация; (биографические/анкетные) данные, происхождение

The school has pupils from many different ethnic and religious backgrounds. His education background is in the study of Psychology.


8.submit — подавать, представлять (документы) submit an application — подавать заявление submission — подачапредставление

Requests were submitted in writing. Submit your application no later than May 5th. No date was set for the submission of applications.

9.CV (curriculum vitae  — (краткаяавтобиографиярезюме

Try and get some experience in languages — it would look good on your CV Candidates interested in the position should submit their resumus to the Office of Human Resources.

10.score  — количество набранных баллов (очков)

Every student is expected to get a perfect score on these tests.

11.tuition — обучение; плата за обучение tuition fee — плата за обучение

12.transcript — копия; расшифровка (стенограммы и т.п.)

13.academic transcript  — копия документа об успеваемости и прослушанных курсах.

You must submit your college transcript with your job application. If you applied directly to the University Study Abroad Programme, a copy of your academic transcript will be sent to the address you have listed as your mailing address.

Task 2

Translate the following sentences in written form. Pay attention to the meaning of the words and word combinations given below.

I. a) degree — уровень; градус; звание, (ученая) степень

b) in some degree — в некоторой степени

c) to a certain degree — до известной степени

d) not in the slightest degree — ничутьнисколько

1. Culture shock is a phenomenon that most students experience to some degree when they study abroad. 2. This job demands a high degree of skill. 3. Culture shock can be felt to a certain extent when abroad on holiday. 4. He was not in the slightest degree disturbed. 5. To what degree do you think we will be providing a better service? 6. There are 360 degrees in a circle. 7. To some degree I think that is right, but there are other factors which affect the situation. 8. Water boils at 212° degrees Fahrenheit and 100° degrees Celsius. 9. “What degree did you do at York?” — “Architecture”.

II. a) score  — количество набранных баллов (очков); счет, количество очков (в игре)

c) scores  — множество

b) score  — подсчитывать баллы (очки); выигрывать, иметь успех

d) score out — вычеркивать

e) on that score — на этот счет, в этом отношении

1. The company will pay your travel expenses, so don’t worry on that score. 2. Have you heard the latest football score?

3. A student from my group managed to score 1600 points on the college entrance exam. 4. There were scores of people there, maybe eighty or more. 5. He is going to score out two names on the list. 6.She could certainly score with her latest novel. 7. The final score was 3—2. 8.He had a very low test score.

III. a) account — счетрасчетподсчетотчетсообщение

baccount for  — отчитываться (в чем-л.); отвечать (за что-л.); объяснять; составлять

c) on smb’s account — за счет кого-л.

d) on account of — из-завследствие

e) on no account — ни в коем случае


1. If your education abroad was interrupted on account of a medical condition, we reimburse the current term fee paid. 2. Can you account for your absence last time? 3. Employees must on no account make personal phone calls from the office.

4. Give us a full account of your study abroad. 5. He made some telephone calls on his account. 6.I would like to open an account with this bank. 7. Exports account for 35% of sales. 8. He was accounted a genius by all who knew his work.

Task 3

                                                  APPLYING TO STUDY ABROAD

1. Read aloud paragraphs 1-2.

2. Translate in written form paragraphs 1-2.

3. Find in the text the information about the forms, letters and documents requested during the application process and describe them in written form:

a) an application form;

b) a CV;

c) a financial statement;

d) an academic transcri pt;

e) a certificate of degree or diploma;

f) English proficiency test scores;

g) an applicant’s essay;

h) reference letters.

Studying abroad gives students the chance to live overseas, integrate themselves into a totally foreign culture, meet other students, and travel. Pursuing an education abroad can be a transformational experience. It does not only present an opportunity to absorb the content of your course but also a whole new way of life. You learn to use your strengths to the fullest and overcome obstacles on the journey towards earning your degree. In the process, you also become adept at skills, making you invaluable to your future workplace.

If the decision on the country and programme has been made, it is time to apply. Students applying to study abroad will be asked to complete forms and write letters during the application process. This will usually involve completing an application A mortarboard form. It is a form to request permission to enroll in a university. The application form personal information. It is also called an enrollment form. An application fee accompanies the application form at the time of submission.

A CV or a resume is a summary of your personal details, educational qualifications and work experience, usually sent with an application form. The aim is to give a university administration an informative and positive view of you as a potential student.

In order to be admitted into a university’s programme, applicants are requested to submit a financial statement. It is an official document issued by a bank which proves there are sufficient funds in a bank account to pay for a university’s tuition expenses and all living costs while enrolled in their programme.

An academic transcript is an official copy of a student's academic record detailing the courses the student has taken and each grade received. As an important document requested by universities in order to process applications, applicants must submit their transcripts in English. A number of universities have different requirements in order to receive applicants’ original transcripts.

A certificate of degree or a diploma are documents issued by an educational institution, such as a university, testifying the recipient has earned a degree or has successfully completed a particular course of study. In order to be admitted into their programme, applicants must submit the last original certificate of degree or diploma earned or an official document stating the anticipated date of graduation.

In many cases, applicants must indicate their level of English proficiency when applying to their programme. Some universities do require their applicants to submit official test scores, most specifically being a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score. As the most recognized test among all English proficiency testing systems, TOEFL is required among some universities. For these universities, applicants who have not taken the TOEFL must apply and take the test in order to properly submit their application to their desired university.

Some universities require its applicants to write an essay in English stating the applicants’ personal and academic purpose by attending their particular programme. The applicants’ essays provide universities with a better understanding of the applicants’ individual nature, personality and goals. When writing their personal statement, it is essential for applicants to note what they hope to learn by attending the university’s programme and how they will apply their study abroad experience to their future endeavors, whether it is towards their career or their desired way of life.

As part of the application process, some universities may request its applicants to submit reference letters (letters of recommendation) in English from those who are familiar with the applicant in either an academic or office setting. Teachers, college professors or employers are the strongest candidates to provide universities with accurate observations reflecting an applicant’s personality and strengths based upon academic or work-related success. The letters must include remarks concerning the applicant’s character as a student or worker, positive qualities as an individual and the applicant’s strengths he or she will add to the university’s programme.

Preparing and processing the above information can take time. Most departments will ask why you have chosen a particular subject and institution. Make sure you include evidence in your reply of thoughtful consideration of how your move to study abroad fits in with your long-term aims, as well as your current academic strengths and interests. Places are frequently competitive and awards or scholarships are even more so.

Answer the questions:

1. What are the reasons to study abroad?

2. Can living away from home help you adjust in transition to adulthood?

3. How can the knowledge of a foreign language contribute to your future career?

4. What skills can study abroad provide you with?