Task 1.       Useful words and words combination (learn by heard)

Demand – требоватьнуждаться

This problem demands attention. He demanded from me a total obedience.

Mind – ум

Qualities of mind are important for all people.

Volitional – волевой

This teacher is a volitional person.

Related – относящийся

These are qualities related to every teacher.

Appearance – появлениевнешний вид

His appearance on the stage made the audience smile; Mary’s neat and pleasant appearance attracts people’s attention; to all appearance – судя по всемупо-видимому - To all appearance he feels bad today.

Require –  требовать; It requires careful consideration.

Character – характер; a man of character; фигураличность; a bad character; a public character; traits of character; черты характера; What traits of character do you appreciate in people?

Drop – бросать, She dropped the idea of being a doctor. Let’s drop the subject. You need to drop smoking.

Amiable – дружелюбный, every teacher should have amiable character.

Troublemaker –  нарушитель порядка, I can’t do a thing with him! He is a real troublemaker.

Resent – отвергать, my children resent any advice.

Behavior – поведение, your behavior leaves much to be better; to put smb on his good behavior –Дать человеку возможность исправиться; the teacher put Tom on his good behavior.

Abilities –  способности; teaching demands abilities and talent.

Decision –  решение, we know that teaching is a constant stream of decisions.

Ignorant – необразованный; Ignorant teachers shouldn’t work at school.

Fear – боязнь; some teachers stimulate fear.

Complete the sentences using the following words and word combinationsappearance, traits of character, behavior, requires, troublemaker, behaves, resents, dropped behind, drop in.

1.This question … our great attention. 2. Ann missed several lessons that is why she … the group. 3. You need to consult the psychologist. Your son’s … troubles me a lot. 4. The director … our requirements to raise the salary. 5. I appreciate people who are sociable and kindhearted. These … are important for me. 6. My students are excellent ones. But one of them is a real … . He always plays tricks on the others and … in a bad way. 7. Yesterday it was the day off and we decided to … to our friends. 8. Where have you been? What is the matter with your …? Your face is all black and the clothes are dirty.

Translate into English using the Vocabulary Notes.

1.По-видимому, у него трудности с английским языком. 2. Меня беспокоят его слова. 3. Из-за болезни Ник отстал от своих сверстников и теперь прилагает большие усилия, чтобы наверстать упущенное (to improve the gap). 4. Ее друзья дали ей возможность исправиться. 5. Почему ты всегда отвергаешь мои предложения? Мне кажется, что их стоит рассмотреть. 6. Не стесняйтесь. Заходите. Мы как раз сели пить чай. 7. Его внешний вид удивил меня. 8. Профессия учителя требует много сил и терпения. 9. Какие черты характера вам не нравятся? 10. Куда исчез ваш друг? Я не видела его целую вечность.

Task 2.   Read the text and answer the questions:

1.       They say that not every man can become teacher. Is that true?

2.       What groups of qualities must a perfect teacher possess?

3.       What are the innate qualities of a teacher?

4.       What can you say about the qualities of teacher’s mind?

5.       In what way do you understand the statement: “Teacher’s job requires a lot of volitional qualities?

6.       Why is it so important for the teacher to be sociable and communicable?

7.       Do you agree with the idea: “A good teacher is able to govern the state?”

There are many antonyms expressing good and bad qualities of the character in the text. Write them down in two columns.

List all good and negative.


      Being a teacher is a noble and complicated job that demands a lot of inner and outer efforts from a person. It stands to reason that not every man who wishes to be a teacher can become it. The point is a real teacher must combine a great number of qualities. These qualities can be divided into some groups: innate qualities, qualities of mind, volitional powers and qualities related to other people.

      Let’s start with innate qualities. A real teacher cannot be without cheerful character because each lesson should be started with a teacher’s smile. Teacher’s calm and neat appearance helps children tune up to a working mood. If you are inert or bore, there is no road for you to the teacher profession. Moreover, a teacher must be self-denying and self-critical.

      It goes without saying that a good teacher cannot be without broad mind. He must acquire bright and clever head: he must be well-read, intelligent and deep in his subject. Students or pupils cannot accept teachers who are ordinary or shallow.

      Teacher’s job requires a lot of volitional powers. Children are not creatures who are easy to get along with. Children are different with various trends of character, facilities and abilities. That is why only firm and strong-willed teachers can succeed in the relationship with pupils. If you feel that you are unable to control your emotions or you are hesitant and weak-willed, just drop the idea of being a teacher.

      Together with all above-mentioned qualities a real teacher must acquire communicable and amiable character. He should be considerate and flexible. A teacher always comes across with so called “a pain in the neck” students, with real troublemakers, whose language is awful, who talk back, resent any advice, can tell lies and seem to have lost interest in school. While working with such students a teacher must try to analyze the feelings and to find an explanation for this behavior. It is difficult indeed: it requires a lot of power and tolerance.

      We, future teachers, should remember that pupils need our presence and love. One of the greatest people on the Earth said: A good teacher can govern the state. So the point is being a perfect teacher equals to being a real person.

Task 3.

Are you going to follow the Teacher’s advice which is given to you in the text below?

Answer the question What makes a good teacher?

Retell in the person of the teacher.

      Many young people consider teaching as a career. It’s not surprising: after your parents your teacher may be the most important person in your life. Have you ever asked yourself why most teachers are so devoted to their work? Maybe because they are doing the most vital job of all. Teaching is not easy and demands a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent, as teaching is a constant stream of decisions.

      Children in your class aren’t just boys and girls. Every one is a unique individual. If you like people, you will love teaching. Remember: an ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, and a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher encourages in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty.

         I would never stop teaching and I’m sure that you, having chosen it for your future career, feel the same way. And if you are ready to accept the responsibility of this wonderful and important work, I wish you all luck in the world. A teacher.