ТЕМА 9. Ideal teacher: what is he like?

Task 1.

Render the text in English.

Say whether you agree with the author’s understanding of the importance of teacher’s work.

Add some other important qualities a good teacher should possess.

      Few of those engaged in training teachers would conceive of a teacher who would be ideal for all and any teaching circumstances. The art and craft of teaching is so diverse that no such paragon would be likely to exist. What is possible, however, is to conceive of an ideal which is redefined in terms of the particular kinds of teaching situations the teacher would possess personal qualities, technical abilities and professional understanding of the following kinds:

1.       Personal qualities. These include both inherent qualities and other qualities acquired through experience, education, or training. Equally, it is obvious that the teacher must be intelligent, have a non-discouraging personality, and display emotional maturity. Among the acquired qualities are to be included a wide experience of life, an adequate level of personal and sufficient command of the subject he is teaching.

2.       Technical abilities. These are of three kinds: first ability to discern and assess the progress and difficulties of his pupils, an unhesitating control of the teaching in his class so as to maximize the role of learning; secondly a fluent and responsive grasp of classroom skills and techniques; and thirdly a “creative familiarity” with the syllabus and materials being used in his classes.

3.       Professional understanding. This refers to a sense of perspective that sees the teacher’s own particular task in relation to all types of teaching situations, to an awareness of trends and developments in  methods of teaching, and to an acceptance that it is in his professional duty to go on improving his professional effectiveness throughout his career.

Task 2

Arrange the listed teacher’s qualities in the order you think most proper. Try to explain why you have done so. (in written form)

Comment on the following quotations (in written form)

                                       GOOD  TEACHER

A good teacher:

keeps in contact with the parents of his or her pupils and lets them participate in the life of the school (in primary or secondary school);

is able to maintain discipline and order;

lets the students share his or her own life with all its ups and downs;

works hard to remain up-to-date in his or her subject;

openly admits when he or she has made a mistake or does not know something;

is interested in his or her students, ask them about their homes and tries to help where possible;

makes the students work hard and sets high standards;

is friendly and helpful to his or her colleagues;

uses a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts to make his or her lessons interesting;

helps the students become independent and organize their own learning.


1.       Raising a child is very much like building a skyscraper.

If the first few stories are out of line, no one will notice.

But when the building is 18 or 20 stories high, everyone will see that it tilts.

2.       Any men can be a good teacher.

3.       Every teacher continues to be a student.

4.       The teacher is a model and example to his students.

5.       Good teachers are born, not made.

6.       Teaching machines and computers can be substitutes for any teacher.

7.       Teaching is a two-way traffic.

8.       Experience is the best teacher.