ТЕМА 2. Business Documents and Contracts


1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the Text “The Basics of Business Documents and Contracts” and

translate the given sentences in written form.

1. run  — руководить (учреждением и т.п.)

run a business — вести дело, управлять предприятием

Who runs the firm now? He has no idea how to run a successful business. We will conduct our business in a way that enhances the reputation of the company.

2.forecast — прогноз, предсказание; предвидеть, предсказывать

sales forecast — прогноз сбыта (товара)

The company hopes to meet its forecast of 10% growth this year. Analysts forecast profits of 8 million this year. Executives issued a disappointing sales forecast.

3.stipulate — ставить условиемобусловливать

The contract stipulated that the work was to be completed in 30 days.

4. annual report — годовой отчет

business report — отчет о деятельности фирмы; отчет о работе

She presented a progress report on the project. The sales manager was pleased to report increased sales for the first quarter. A business report conveys information to assist in business decisionmaking.

5. department — отдел, отделение; подразделение, служба департамент, управление

accounting department  — отдел бухгалтерии

finance (financial) department  — финансовый отдел

You will need to ask John about that — it is more his department than mine. The Accounting Department is on the third floor. The Finance Department gives approval after taking into consideration all the financial aspects.

6. revenue  доход доходные статьи

European sales account for 30% of the company’s revenue. State officials predicted a 5% growth in tax revenues.

7. assets  — активы (баланса), имущество, средства, активы, капитал, фонды

liability — обязанность, необходимость, ответственность; денежные обязательства, задолженность

assets and liabilities — актив и пассив

The company was forced to sell off its assets. The company has accepted liability for the damage to the cargo. The company does not have enough money to meet its liabilities. A standard company balance sheet has assets and liabilities.

8. fund  — запас, резерв, фонд фонды, денежные средства; финансировать, субсидировать

funding — финансирование

The company is short of funds at the moment. The company will fund a new training programme.

9. launch  — начало чего-л., пуск; начинать (действовать), выпускать, предпринимать

launch a product — запускать новый продукт в производство

product launch — выпуск нового товара

The event was held to mark the launch of a new online service. The administration launched an attack on organized software piracy. I gave a short presentation about how to launch a new product. A successful product launch is the culmination of many, carefully planned steps by a coordinated team.

10. minutes  — протокол (собраниязаседания)

meeting minutes/minutes of the meeting — протокол собрания

keep (draw up, write) the minutes — вести протокол

He started the meeting by reading the minutes of the previous meeting. He took the minutes of the meeting. To keep accurate meeting minutes is crucial for any business or organization.

11. legal  — юридический, правовой, дозволенный законом legitimate  — законный; правильный, обоснованный

Customers have a legal right to demand a replacement or a refund for a faulty product. They used the legitimate means for achieving their success.

12. agenda — повестка дня

an item on the agenda  — пункт (вопросповестки дня

The agenda will be sent out in advance of the meeting. What is the next item on the agenda?

13. deliver  — доставлять, поставлять, снабжать; передавать, вручать

delivery time — срок поставки

The goods were transported from the factory and delivered to the store. How many deliveries do you make in a week? Even if the delivery time is listed as 24 hours, you must still place your order before December 20 for delivery by Christmas.

14. pay (paid) — платитьвыплачивать payment  — платежплатауплатаоплата payment terms — условия платежа

She paid for the goods by cheque. Will you accept $100 as payment for the work? International students are required to observe the same payment terms established for all students.

15. contract  — договор, соглашение, контракт

termination of a contract  — прекращение действия контракта, аннулирование контракта

employment contract — договор (личногонайма lease (rental) contract — договор аренды

The contract should include price, payment terms, and specific work to be performed. The fee will be charged for early termination of a contract or agreement. She was asked to do work that was not within the terms of her employment contract. If you do not fully understand any part of the tease contract, get advice before signing it.

16. purchase — покупка, закупка, купля, приобретение; покупать, закупать, приобретать

The receipt is your proof of purchase. The company was purchased for .3.5 billion.

17. prior to  — до, перед, раньше, прежде

The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony.


Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets in written form.

1. It is good practice for companies to make a proper (отчет) to shareholders. 2. An important aspect of managing а (выпуск нового товара) is tracking early sales. 3. Each (пункт повестки дня) should begin with an action word (verb): discuss, decide, select, review, finish, etc. These (пункты) should frame the expectations of attendees. 4. We require (оплата) advance for all goods purchased. 5. Conducting а (прогноз сбыта товара) will provide your business with an evaluation of past and current sales levels and annual growth. 6. Before signing any (договор аренды), read it carefully. 7. Any person who attends a meeting may be asked to (вести протокол). 8. The (отдел бухгалтерии) in a company deals with money paid, received, borrowed, or owed. 9. Salaries are low (относительно) the cost of living. 10. The (срок поставки) under the purchase contract has already expired.




Read aloud paragraphs 1-2.

Translate in written form paragraphs 1-2.

Find in the text the information about different types of business contracts and describe them in written form


The term business documents covers various documents, reports and statements written by company executives and managers to improve operations, inform clients of purchases and share budgets with investors and shareholders. Each type of business document includes data, sections and visual graphs to illustrate the sales, annual income and internal operations of the business.

A business plan is the first document a business owner writes prior to starting the business and offering services. A business plan document includes a description of the business, a list of services and products to be offered and a chart of the current management and departmental structures. It should also include a list of risks associated with running the business, a fully developed budget and sales forecasts. The business plan serves as a guide to starting and running the business, and is required if your business is seeking funding.

Annual reports are financial documents written by the accounting or financial department of a business once per year. This type of business document is written for investors and includes details of revenues and expenses, plus the total assets and liabilities of the company.

Other sections include operational budgets, predictions for the upcoming financial year and what changes the company seeks to make in the future to avoid financial downfalls.

Business reports are written reports that share information or data, often in relation to research for a project, marketing campaign or new product launch. These types of reports include an introduction, a presentation of the data and research found, a list of suggestions of how the company can use the research or data for the project or marketing campaign in question and a conclusion that discusses the next steps. Business reports may serve as written proposals, such as how to target a new market or what products to add to a new product line.

Meeting minutes are business documents written after a meeting takes place within a company. The meeting minutes document outlines who was present at the meeting, what topics were discussed, what conclusions were drawn and what is on the agenda for upcoming events or business projects. This document is shared with company employees who are not able to attend the meeting in person, but who must be kept up-to-date with decisions made in corporate meetings.

A business contract is an important part of conducting business. It describes the job duties in detail, delivery time, payment terms, and legal terms of conducting business between the client and you. It is essential that both parties agree to the terms outlined in the contract and acknowledge their agreement with an authentic signature. A business contract provides a sense of security to both parties to know they are on common ground in regards to the business relationship.

Different types of business contracts are created to suit the situation and on an “as needed basis”.

An employment contract is a legal document which stipulates the terms of employment between an employee and an employer. It covers such topics as the starting date of employment, name of the employer and employee, address of employment, salary, expenses, time off work, hours worked each week, terms of employment, pension details, deductions and notice for the termination of the contract.

Confidentiality agreements are those contracts entered into by two or more parties where some or all the concerned parties agree that certain information that passes between them or which has been created by one of the parties shall remain confidential. This type of agreement is usually used in cases where a company has a new product or secret process which it wants another company to evaluate prior to a comprehensive licensing agreement.

Land/lease/rental contracts are between business owners and landowners over usage of a building or parcel of land for business purposes. Rental contracts identify the rights and requirements of tenants and landlords. They address such instances like when a landlord sells or loses the title to a building (due to bankruptcy, etc).

A service agreement ensures that both parties receive what they expect. The client receives the work he or she has hired you for, and you receive payment for your services.Without a business contract, it is likely you will find yourself in a dispute at one time or another. A business contract keeps the work legitimate and protects both parties.



Complete the sentences choosing the best variant corresponding to the contents of the text in written form.

1) A business plan includes...

a) assets and liabilities.

b) marketing campaign results.

c) internal operations of the business.


2) An annual report covers ...

a) a lot of risks associated with running the business.

b) sales forecasts.

c) expenses and budgets.


3) A business report is usually written for...

a) seeking funding.

b) predictions for a new financial year.

c) a new product launch.


4) The meeting minutes are important for...

a) those who were not present at the meeting.

b) internal operations of the business.

c) adding products to a new production line.


5) A contract stipulating the rights of landowners and tenants is...

a) an employment contract.

b) a rental contract.

c) a service contract.