ТЕМА 7. Scientific Methods

ТЕМА 7        Scientific Methods


Plan your topic as follows:

My major interest is in the field of....

The title of my future thesis is....

My tutor is ....

The research I am doing now is a part of a bigger work../ within the framework of the academic research conducted by professor.../a group of scientists...

This work is devoted to an important problem into which too few scientists have researched until now.

Earlier studies of this subject show that the problem has not been yet properly explored.

The main aims of your research work and the tasks to complete:

My study deals in the problems of.../is devoted to the investigation of...

It touches upon the problems of...

The main purpose/goal/aim of it is...to find out/to define/to characterize/explore/to investigate/to analyse/to gain/.....

It is aimed at .....

I set myself a task to/of...

the tasks that face us /that we are faced with/are as follows....

Useful words and words combination (learn by heard))

analysis n (pl -ses) анализ, исследование, подробное рассмотрение critical analysis - критический анализ

advanced research - перспективные исследования

basic research - фундаментальные исследования

to be engaged in research - заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

This researches cover a wide field - исследования охватывают широкую область

pilot study - предварительное, экспериментальное исследование

desk study - чисто теоретическое исследование

thorough examination - а) всестороннее исследование; б) тщательное изучение (материала)

to carry on an investigation - проводить исследовательскую работу

the scientific method of inquiry - научный метод исследования

comparative [experimental] method of investigation - сравнительный [экспериментальныйметод исследования

convenient method - подходящий метод

data for study - материал исследования

laboratory data - данные лабораторных исследований

adequacy of data - достоверность данных

the backbone of a theory - основа теории

to back up a theory with facts - подкрепить теорию фактами

to approximate to a solution of the problem - подходить к решению задачи

interdisciplinary approach - подход с точки зрения различных наук

 Translate the sentences in written form.

1.His method is to compare different versions. 2. There are several methods of doing this. 3. This method is attended by some risk. 4. We must apply .... to finding a solution. 5. His method is to compare different versions. 6. There are several methods of doing this. 7. We began the work by collecting material. 8. Application of a theory in actual practice. 9. The results of the experiment contradicted this theory agreed with the theory.

Task 2

Read and translate the text. Answer the questions and speak about your supervisor. Present your own ideas of the scientific work. (in written form)

                                    I Am the Magistrate

I have chosen the magistracy/postgraduate course. What does it mean? It’s my choice.

Why have I done it? The main thing is I would like to become a professional in the sphere of computer science. As a matter of fact, I follow the concept of the extended studies. First of all, I would like to become a programmer and then the computer analyst. I have to learn all the newly advanced technologies both in Russian and in English, to read the electronic and published materials, and also to be capable of carrying out the creative project work.

My research supervisor is the Doctor of Engineering, Professor. I admire him as the scientist. He is the Head of Department of Information and Computing Systems. He is the scientific research organizer. The teachers conduct scientific researches personally and in groups in accordance with the plan of the department. There are lectures and seminars. My supervisor is known both in Russia and in the world. He is often the participant of regional or international home and foreign conferences. He is in contact with the other world scientists.

As for me, I have chosen my subject already. Writing dissertation abstract with research actuality, purposes and tasks, theoretical and practical meaning, innovations is very substantial. After that I have to choose the material and make some notes, write draft, structure of my paper, edit and publish it.

Translate the sentences  (in written form)

1.Every postgraduate has to write abstract of thesis before the thesis. The abstract of thesis is published or presented online.

2. The adviser has to manage the process of the research and defense. Highly-qualified adviser is very important for each postgraduate student and candidate for Master’s degree.

3. The assistant professor position means the scientific work activity and prosecution of research. Assistant professors carry out the scientific work of their own.

4. The associate professor position is higher than that of the assistant professor. Associate professors carry out the scientific work of their own and guide postgraduate studies and their scientific research.

5. Candidates for Master’s degree take the course of studies after four years of university studies and graduation. In two years they will get the Master’s degree.

6. After graduation one of the ways of the career’s promotion is to take the CPD course. Continuing professional development courses gives new job competences.

7. To become Doctor of Science one has to take the course of doctorate. After defense of doctorate thesis my brother will become the Doctor of Science

8. In magistracy postgraduate students get the degree of master and then take postgraduate studies.

9. Next year I am going to enter magistracy and become the candidate for degree of master. Studies at magistracy are the stage before taking postgraduate course.

10. To become a master the graduate enters magistracy. After studies at magistracy the candidate can get the Master’s degree and then the magister.

11. There is a great variety of Master’s degrees in science. Among them are the master’s degrees in Biological Chemistry, Biological Science, and Physics. I would like to get the degree of master in Biological Physics.

12. All the students, candidates for master’s degree, postgraduates, and teachers write research papers. Research papers define the rate of scientists.

13. The magistracy offers a wide range both of part time and full time programs.

14. PhD degree is given after postgraduate studies and defense of thesis.

15. Being postgraduate means carrying out a lot of scientific research. Postgraduates spend much time with studies.

16. Both masters and specialists can take postgraduate courses. Getting postgraduate courses certificates is an obligation necessity for continuing one’s operational procedures.